Here are the questions:
Vandy @http://tttandme.blogspot.com/ wants to know: What is your quirkiest habit?
At work, when I am putting in an order, I type in my server number and then I touch the frame of the computer with my pinky finger. I never noticed it until someone asked my if that was required and now I can't stop noticing it or doing it for that matter!
D @http://beneaththesurfaceanewbeginning.blogspot.com/ wants to know: What TV show do you always stop to watch?
I have and always will be a TV junkie. I love love love Revenge. I love Psych and Criminal Minds. Biggest Loser and American Idol. My daughter loves Phil Phillips on AI and watches it with me on DVR!
Vanessa @ http://www.jfamforlife.com wants to know: What do you miss most about being a kid?
I miss wearing dresses and climbing trees. I miss the innocence of ignorance. Meaning...that not knowing how tough the world really is sometimes can be a blessing!
Jolene @http://richjmylife.blogspot.com wants to know: How many siblings do you have?
So this is a toughie! My parents were married before and my dad has 4 kids and my mom 2 from their previous marriages. Then, they adopted my little brother and me. There are 6 years between us. I am not particularly close to any of them. My birth mother had 6 more kids besides me and I sometimes talk to 1 of them. I wish I had a sister that was close to me. We had 2 daughters 28 months apart and they are super close. Sometimes, I am jealous!
Kenzie @http://cbmommyhood.blogspot.com wants to know: How do you get yourself out of a funk?
I go for a run or do some strenuous exercise or sleep. I have been in a funk this week and can't seem to get out of it. I pray and cry and talk to friends. But, this week, I haven't even wanted to put in the effort!