I confess that this week has been crazy what with an extra person to care for and doctors appointments and work and regular home life.
I confess that this week has been full of crazy, unexplained blessings. God really has been showing Himself this week.
I confess that my family makes me crazy. Not my kids and hubby though they are guilty sometimes but my extended family. I can't say too much cause they might read it and get their feelings hurt. We are a very sensitive people.
I confess that I am glad to get to know some other people who have similar family issues like mine. Great to know that I am not alone.
I confess that my 12 year old van is in much need of some TLC from a mechanic. My hubby was gonna fix it but well, seeing as he can't walk very well, I doubt he will be dropping the engine out and getting it fixed. Right now, we have to choose between heat and breathing in carbon monoxide. I confess that sometimes I choose the CO because it has been mucho cold here recently.!
I hope you have enjoyed these confessions! I feel better but come back next week I know I will be confessing something that has to do with the family thing and the fallout from that. Did I mention that we are a sensitive bunch? ;)