Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankfulness #1

I am thankful all year round but during November, our family takes extra special time to be vocal with our thanks for all the God has done.  So here are the things that I am thankful for this week:

#1 Michael doesn't need surgery on his torn ACL if he heals properly.

#2 He was seen by one of the best orthopaedic surgeons in WNC for free.  God is amazing cause the doctor called me personally.  I did not seek him out.

#3 My kids have really stepped up to the plate helping out this week.  They are such great kids.

#4 I have a job!  I like my job.  They were understanding when I needed my shift covered the other night.

#5 I have the best group of peeps known to mankind.  When this happened, they laid hands on my hubby and prayed over him.  Their children did the same thing.  When we needed childcare to go to the doctor, no one even hesitated.  They rearranged their schedules to accommodate ours.  When we needed crutches and a knee brace, no hesitation.  When I needed to cry in frustration and exhaustion, they listened without judgment.    

#6 The sounds of children crying out to the Lord and knowing that their hearts are earnest and pure in their prayers.

#7 My hubby is a fabulous guy!  I am glad that he is ok and that this injury is motivating him to want to be in better shape.  I have been praying for that and though this is not the way I would have wanted it answered, this is the way God chose to answer it.

For what are you thankful?  I can't wait to hear!  If you have written a post on it, leave a link so I can read it!  Blessings to you all!
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