Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tough week

I have had an extremely tough week this week. As I wrote in my last post, I was a little sad last Friday and then on Saturday, we found out we lost a friend. A young friend. He was 44 and left behind a wife of 13 years and 2 boys, 8 & 5. My husband and I were so affected by this that it has consumed our thoughts and our prayers for the week. So, in honor of Sam Keever, I will say something I have never said before and will never say again, "Go State." There done. Now for something I have been saying this week. Peace be to you, Keever family. May you find consolation and solace as Jesus wraps His arms around you and holds you close. Let us be His hands and His feet. We love you!
That's all I can say!
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