Saturday, August 15, 2009

See you later....

Laughter, singing, crying, worshiping the Lord...No, I wasn't at a conference, I was at a funeral. This funeral was one of the most worshipful experiences I have ever had the pleasure of attending. It was a wonderful time of praising the Lord and remembering a friend. I decided, then and there, that I want my funeral to be that way. I left the service uplifted and hopeful and full of joy.
Yesterday, our friend, Sam, was buried or at least his earthly home was. I expected to cry my eyes out at the funeral. I did cry but I, also, laughed and praised the Lord. Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion. His wife, Allison, made sure that we all left feeling like we got to know Sam a little better. But, we all left knowing what a legacy he left for his family. We heard about the kind of father and son and husband he was. We heard about his zeal for life and serving others. We heard over & over about his love for NC State. Being a Tarheel fan, I can appreciate that kind of passion. Stories were told about their adoption process and his perfectionism.
I left there in a paradox of emotion. My heart was full but I, also, felt light-hearted. Doesn't seem possible but it is. The main thing I took away from yesterday was that we aren't guaranteed our next breath or our next moment. I can't say that I'll see my babies grow up or my husband grow old. I am going to live and enjoy this life as if there is no tomorrow. Thank you, Allison, for that and for the special time I had worshiping with you yesterday. Thank you for that gift! What a legacy you are leaving for your boys! May God's peace be upon you!
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