...when the world as you knew it came crashing down? Where were you when Hell broke lose over the land? Where were you when people of all walks and faiths came together to support one another? Where were you when the Holy Spirit washed a peace over us and gave us our resolve? Where were you?
I can remember 10 years ago like it happened yesterday. I can smell the smells. I can see the faces. I can hear the quiet as it fell over our office. I smell the salt of our tears as they flowed down our faces. I feel the incredulity of everyone as we wonder what happened. I can feel my heart break as we realize that not everyone got out. I can taste the acrid smoke through my black and white old TV screen. I can still remember the anger and hatred that I felt as I realize that someone has come into my home and attacked my family with the worst of intentions. Then, I remember the looks of the anchors' faces as they begin to report the Pentagon and the bewilderment as another plane goes down in PA. I surge with pride at what my fellow Americans did that day. They woke up as regular people and then God called them forward to heroism. Sacrificing their lives for the lives of others. Running into falling buildings, taking back the plane to protect innocents on the ground, listening as someone speaks their last words on this earth, lining up to give blood, money, time, food, clothes, resources.
I REMEMBER............
I refuse to let this be used for politics. I refuse to let this be used for any gain. Satan, you may have won this day 10 years ago, but you will not win this war. God won the war from the beginning! You stood no chance! We claim victory today!!!!!!
I REMEMBER..............
My children will be taught the lesson of 9/11 and what it felt like to worship the Lord in heartache. They will know the sacrifices others made so that some may live. They have been shown the images and will continue to see them. They will remember....because....
I REMEMBER.........