Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just a thought.....

Our president, so great and mighty, just 11 days after his inauguration was nominated and eventually awarded the Nobel Peace prize. What????? In 11 days, what had he done? Made promises? Let's see, we are 8 months into BHO's term and what has he done? Nothing, except break promises that he made to the people who elected him. He has a senate and house majority and he can get very little through. He has made Afghanistan worse according to the generals and aided his predecessor in destabilizing our dollar. He has, however, put into place a framework that will fundamentally change the USA. If, God forbid, something tragic happened, he could step in and seize power in a Chavez/Castro sort of way. He has brought unrest to our citizens who are now waking up and saying that we are not going to let you ruin our kids' futures. The war protesters would have a 100 and the media would make a big deal over it. Hundreds of thousands gather on 9/12 and it barely registers to the major news networks. He has put czars into place that are only accountable to him and not to the American people. Crazy people who believe that we should put sterilants into our water supply so that we can have population control! Where is the peace in that?
This award, like the previous 2, was given to be an anti-Bush statement, a last slap in the face of Bush. Al Gore(along with a committee) was awarded the prize in 2007 for his work on global warming, which is a working theory. Theories in our society are often regarded as fact i.e. evolution. Last year, it was given to Ahtisaari for his work on international treaties but some feel it was because he opposed Bush on the no weapons of mass destruction thing. This award is not really given to people who deserve it like Irena Sendler who literally saved 2500 Jewish children from being annihilated by the Nazis in WWII Poland by smuggling them out of the country in her truck or in coffins. She lost to Al Gore. Good job, panel! You picked the correct person. Remind me not to ask you for your judgment on important issues like whether I should wear black or brown shoes. I am not sure you could even get that one correct. Get your heads out of Barack's bum! He will throw you under the bus the minute he gets a chance.
So, Barack Hussein Obama, what are you going to do with this award? Nothing? Use it to propel your agenda to save the earth and screw America? That would be my best guess! BTW, good job on that Olympic thing. I see flying to airplanes to Europe and standing on the podium really worked out for you. You got something on your, the other one. Yes, right there! You wiped the egg off yours and Oprah's faces yet?
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