Vulnerability: the capability of being wounded or hurt.
Many of us would not want to be called vulnerable. That would be an
insult to our pride! We want to be strong and capable and protected
from harm from either physical or emotional assault. Why would anyone
want to be vulnerable? Who wants to be harmed? We must allow ourselves
to become vulnerable sometimes to let people get close to us. There
are no true connections if we are prideful. We must trust that they
will not hurt us! That is not always the case and thus the saying, "You
only hurt the ones you love."
Jesus knew from the get-go that He had to make Himself vulnerable. Is
there any other creature out there who is more vulnerable than a baby?
No! A baby cannot feed itself or change its own diaper. It cannot walk
or talk. Vulnerable! Yet, Jesus humbled Himself to take off His crown
and come as a baby. Vulnerable! How could He have protected Himself
from His enemies? He had to be protected! God used Joseph to protect
Him by telling him to take Mary and the baby to Egypt. Mary protected
Him as only a mother can.
When Jesus came to his final days, He made Himself vulnerable! He
allowed Himself to be beaten to within an inch of His life. He allowed
Himself to be mocked and scorned! He allowed Himself to be stretched
out and nailed to a cross. Why? So, that we could come close to Him!
Our sin separated us from God and Heaven. We could not make ourselves
vulnerable enough to be deemed worthy of Heaven or a relationship with
God. He had to make that way! He had to allow His Son to become
vulnerable so that we could draw close to Him despite our pride.
There are some who are still prideful and feel that they don't need
saved. There is nothing wrong with them. They don't sin! They are
basically good people who try to do good to humanity. How do you know
that you have done enough or been good enough? Is there some cosmic
ticker that keeps track, adding and subtracting according to your
deeds? Why would it matter? If there is no Heaven or Hell, why, then,
would we be good? We could just do whatever we want and treat each
other like dirt and steal, lie, murder etc! Sure, we might go to jail
but in the long run? There is just a hole in the ground where we reside
until we return to dust. Where is the hope in that? How depressing to
live that way!
We all feel the longing to be accepted, to be loved, to feel needed, to
feel wanted! That may be, to some people, simply the human condition.
But, I think that those longings are the deeply ingrained desires to
have God in our lives. In Christian speak, we have a God shaped hole
that can never be filled, no matter how many ways we try. We don't feel
loved? Then, we look for love in other humans. We always end up heart
broken! We don't feel needed? We fill up our schedule until we
collapse from exhaustion! We don't feel wanted? We may turn to drugs,
alcohol or other things to mask that pain!
This Christmas season, will you make yourself vulnerable? Would allow
Jesus to fill that hole that is in your heart? Isaiah made it known
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
If you have already
allowed Him into your life, are you too busy? Are you flitting to this
party and that? Are you trying to find that perfect gift? Give the
gift of yourself to your family and give the gift of rest to yourself!
Allow the Holy Spirit to renew you and make the Christmas season that
best that you have ever experienced!