I am.....that mother who teaches her children to pull for her team over her husband's although, it doesn't always work.
I am......that mother who when her child is having a melt down at the skate party, she grabs him by the hand and drags him by the skates, screaming and crying. Yep, that was me! Don't judge me! He wanted to skate so we got skates. He wanted to go home so I took him off the floor. Other people were looking at me and him and clearly having sympathy for him. Where is my sympathy?
I am.....the woman that when she took the personality test wished she had a different one! I, often, wish for another body but this was the 1st time I wished for a new personality. Apparently, I am bossy and pushy! I said, "Don't judge me!"
I am....the woman who cried on the way home from the doctor today because I have had a headache for about 3 weeks. And I couldn't be seen today! No insurance sucks!
I am.....the blogger who has sucked at blogging for about 3 months. I have just been so tired and run down. Hope my readers will understand!
I am.....the wife who adores her husband more than life itself. He is such an amazing man and father! And he loves me!
I am.....the fan who cheers for her team, UNC Tarheels, through thick and thin. Love me some Roy!
I am.....the teacher who expects the most from each of her students. I am tough but fair! I treat each kid like they are my own. Wait, they are!
Happ Valentine's Day to you all! Love those who are in your life and seek out those who need love!