I confess that I burnt the skin off the roof of my mouth while eating fried cheese moons at the restaurant where I work.
I confess that I was eating fried cheese on Tuesday.
I confess that I met Laurie Smith at Mezzaluna. She was full of gracious southern hospitality as I fawned all over her telling her how much I liked her. I got to meet her son with whom she was pregnant on the show Trading Spaces on TLC.
I confess that I feel old when I work at the restaurant. When you can see the broadside of 40, working with 20-24 year olds makes you realize how young you aren't.
I confess that I have NOT read The Help I want to but just haven't gotten around to it. I will be reading it soon and going to see the movie. Even my hubby thinks it looks interesting but that is his confession.
I confess that I know nothing of Team Edward or Team Jacob. I was told today that I can't be part of the cool kids until I read the books. So I will begin the Twilight series so that I can go to the midnight showing on Nov 17.
I confess that I have been busier than a one legged cat covered in poop. I don't see any downtime in the foreseeable future.
So let's hear it! What do you have to confess? I can't wait to hear it!