Yesterday was my birthday and I enjoyed myself so much. We had a great Sunday school in both the youth and the Couples in Christ(we finally finished Genesis after a year). I was taking the kids to the van while Michael ran back in to turn in the nursery beeper. I had all the kids and all the bags, my Bible and coffee cup. I had to put a bunch of stuff down to find the keys and unlock the van. I put the diaper bags on the ground while balancing AJay on 1 hip. I gave Isabela my coffee cup and set my Bible and notebook on the top of the van. I found the keys and unlocked the doors and put everything in the van including the children. Michael came running up and started buckling children into their seats. I asked him if he would get my stuff off the roof. He finished and closed the doors and we took off for BK and its coveted dollar menu. We got home and rushed in to feed hungry kids. They were sent to bed and I got a nap as part of my bday present. After consuming much food at PF Changs with my mother-in-law(her bday is the today), I came home and opened my presents. I had asked for a new Bible cover in leather or Vera Bradley. My mother-in-law came through and got me one. We ate cake and played with the children and then they all went to bed. I changed purses because I got a new one and went to put my Bible in its new cover. I couldn't find it in the house so I ran out to the van to get it and couldn't find it. I began to get a little upset. Michael gave it to me when we were engaged and I was moving to Savannah. It had sentimental value to me. Then, I realized that I had left it on the top of the van after church!!!! Michael went running out to see if it was still there. It was!!! The zipper pull had gotten stuck in our luggage rack and it held fast during the drive from downtown Hendo to our home which was almost 15 miles. It also survived the drive thru at BK. Michael laughed and said that it was a bday miracle! The notebook that was with it did not fare so well. It is missing. I guess it flew away. I think that man's wisdom and world logic falls in to the notebook category. When it is tested in high winds and tempests(and grease from BK), it will fly away and you will be left with nothing. God's Word, however, will get a stronghold and be steadfast and outlast any storm or wind. Isn't that cool how you can learn from something so silly? When the last dregs of this world are falling apart and are eventually gone, God's Word will be there and still be the only truth that you have ever needed. Immerse yourself in its truth and wisdom because despite its age(and I am sensitive to that), the Bible is still relevant to our lives and culture!